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NLS Library Learning Commons



Because every New Lebanon student has access to a global library on his/her own device, the role of our library has become even more important, not just a place to house resources, but one in which to create meaning from them. The Learning Commons provides a welcoming common space that encourages exploration, creation, and collaboration between students, teachers, and a broader community. It brings together the best of the physical and digital to create learning hubs. Evolving from a combination library and computer lab into a full-service learning, research and project space our 21st century Learning Commons will inspire students to construct new knowledge and meaning from the world around them.

Cheri Amster, Library Media Specialist

TBD, Media Assistant

Jill Carroll, Media Technical Assistant



Book Exchange Policies:

  • Students come once a week as a class, but may return books at any time.
  • Students in Grades K-1 may check out one book. Students in Grade 2 may check out 2 books, Grade 3 may check out 3, Grade 4 may check out 4, Grade 5 may check out 5.
  • In Grades K-2, books are due one week from checkout. In Grades 3-5, books are due two weeks from check out.
  • If your book is lost, we ask that you pay for the book so the media center can replace it.
  • You may renew your book for another week if you still reading it.
  • If you have any further questions about book exchange please contact Ms. Amster.